Monday, September 17, 2007

School starts

Since I have an internet connection, I'm going to take advantage of it. Still none at home and here at school it is unstable. There is an internet cafe not far away but it has Turkish keyboards. These are such pains to use that I won't do a blog post on one. Turkish has two "i"s -- one with a dot and one without. The one without is in the usual "i" place and the dotted "i" is the last key on the right of the center row. Too easy to make a mistake. Also the apostrophe is up over the 2, I can never find the comma, etc.

Anyway, today is the first day of school. I have a total of 11 classes each one for two periods. I had hoped that would be twice a week but instead, they are back to back, once a week. We started with a nifty program outside in the courtyard with singing and folk dancing -- very nicely done.

So far, I have met 3 of my classes. Despite warnings, I was unprepared for how badly behaved they are. Good heavens! They make my Taiwanese students look like model students. The good news is that the classes are small, between 18 and 22 students per class. Their English is pretty spread out but tomorrow they will take an exam and be "streamed" by their English ability. That will make them easier to tackle but will result in at least one class of really low level ones in each class. This often also turns into a discipline problem class -- oh well.
I would also have to say that so far their English is nowhere near as good as I had been led to believe. Oh well, I didn't believe it anyway. This will be a challenge.


Woodneck said...

Hi Karen,
Just caught you with your blogs. I am so interested. Fascinating that you are not supposed to wear the veil teaching, etc. Too bad so expensive there. I was just in the south babysitting. Hope all is well, Kirstin

Errol Waits said...

I'm glad you've started your blog. I just love reading each one. Keep it up!!